Website / Digital

Bank of America

Imagine you’re a young, savvy woman who could have any tech job in the world. You’d totally want to work at a bank, right?


But these women do want to work somewhere they can make an impact. And fortunately, when BofA says it’s heavily invested in changing the world, they mean with actual money. A lot of actual money.

So we built a 7-part digital experience to show people how "Bank of America isn't just out to build a better bank; we're out to build a better world."

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The most ambitious (and my favorite) part was developing an accessibility video game that helps people see the web through the eyes of someone with a visual impairment. The game had 3 levels that got progressively difficult, first simulating color blindness, then low vision, and finally complete reliance on a screen reader. We crunched the numbers to tell you how much accessible web design impacted your own experience.

We didn't want the site to be all talk, so we let people support one of the bank's causes with a philanthropic photo. We created 6 filters, then made a donation for every selfie people shared (in their name, no less).

A lot of thought went into how we'd tell Bank of America's story. Sometimes that included using cinematic cutscenes.

Technical feats aside, we knew that at the end of the day, forging a connection between people was the key to success.

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Role: Lead Creative